Thankful Follower

The sacrifice that honors me is a thankful heart. Obey me, and I, your God, will show my power to save. -Psalm 50:23, CEV


Rather than give you even more words on the need for you as a follower of Jesus to view life through the lens of gratitude, I thought I might give you (and me) a challenge. Here it is: For this work week, thank God each day in a specific way using nouns (person, place, thing, idea) and verbs (you might want to write down the lists or share them with one another):

·        Monday: Persons- thank God for the people He’s brought into your life  (family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, church family members, classmates, teachers, mentors, coaches…)

·        Tuesday: Places- thank God for places in your life (homes, apartments, vacation spots, natural wonders, rooms, offices, churches…)

·        Wednesday: Things- thank God for the things in your life (cars, toys, books, coats, clothes, gadgets, computers, phones…)

·        Thursday: Ideas- thank God for the ability to think and reason and grasp concepts which are complex (color, love, design, faith, family, heritage, grace, mercy, redemption…)

·        Friday: Actions- thank God for the actions He has taken on Your behalf (salvation, adoption into His family, redemption, providential control, loving, creating…)

Praying God grants His grace as you recount His blessings in your life this week!

Harvest Lane Alliance Church