Hope: Day 4

Hebrews 10:23-24

Holding on to something is difficult when there is a force that works actively against us. This is the case when we think about our hope. The writer of the book of Hebrews gives us a simple instruction, to “hold unswervingly” to the hope that we have in Christ. He did not give this instruction to people who found themselves in an easy place in life. He writes to people who were probably facing the Enemy’s work against them and at the same time, bullying from their government and neighbors.

The writer of the book of Hebrews gives more than a simple instruction. He follows his instruction with a useful way for his reader to hold unswervingly (unshakably) to the hope we have. He encourages us to meet together with other believers. It is in the fellowship of others, who are also holding on to the same hope, that we can get a better grip on our hope. A brother or sister in Christ might be going through a time that is not as difficult as our own. They can come along beside us, encourage us, and remind us that better times are to come. There may be some people who are going through a very tough time and still have a living hope.  They can be so encouraging to us!

Most of all, when we get together with others who believe and hold onto the same hope, we are reminded of the great hope which we have. How much we have to look forward to! Holding on to hope is much easier when we get together to encourage one another!

Prayer focus: Ask God to show you who you can encourage and thank God for those who have encouraged you in your faith journey and given you hope.