Delivered, Set Free

When Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an impure spirit came from the tombs to meet him. This man lived in the tombs, and no one could bind him anymore, not even with a chain. For he had often been chained hand and foot, but he tore the chains apart and broke the irons on his feet. No one was strong enough to subdue him. Night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself with stones.

When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and fell on his knees in front of him. He shouted at the top of his voice, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? In God’s name don’t torture me!” For Jesus had said to him, “Come out of this man, you impure spirit!” -Mark 5:2-8, NIV

“When it comes to our confronting the demonic, in the name of Jesus and by the power of His bloody work on the cross, we can see the demonized delivered and the spiritually captive set free.” – Daniel L. Akin

One of the most faith affirming moments of my life came in the week leading up to Easter some years back. A person had been having mighty struggles with emotional and mental well being and in particular kept hearing the worst voices in her head when they would read or study Scripture. After working with her for a bit and seeking advice from others, I met with her to share what I thought was going on. “You are being demonized.” I explained. Now let me be clear, this woman was a believer in Jesus. She was stuck though, and a good part of that ‘stuck-ness’ was caused by these harassing voices and other symptoms that had no sensical explanation.

Here is the reality, demonization is often just this sort of thing. It is sometimes more pronounced (physically or emotionally or spiritually) but, sometimes it is this vague. Satan likes to play in the shadows and if demons can harass a person and remain just beyond perception, all the better. Demon possession is not the New Testament’s strictest category for what happens when a demon is at work in a person. Demonization is probably a better understanding. Like a virus causes a cold, so demonization causes certain issues. A person does not belong to the demon, the demon rather has infected the person and is causing ‘symptoms.’ This is especially true of those who are the possession of God in Jesus (see 1 Peter 2:9). We belong to Jesus though it is possible for us to give ground to the Enemy and thereby open the door for demonization in our lives. The most helpful single resource I can recommend on this topic is Soul Care by Dr. Rob Reimer. In “Soul Care Principle #7: Deliverance”, Dr. Reimer gives some really helpful real-world examples and stories. He also unfolds the reality of Jesus’ complete victory over Satan and demons whereby we can live in victory over darkness as well. It is far too much information to recapitulate here so I will simply urge you to read it.  In closing though, I think it helpful to share something from one of the commentaries I am using on Mark. Dr. Daniel Akin cites Clinton E. Arnold who gives us 10 theological truths that arise from the encounter between Jesus and the demoniac as captured in Mark 5:1-20 (see also Matthew 8:28-34, Luke 8:26-39). I want to repeat them in part here in hopes that they will be of help:

1.       Demons are real and dangerous. A demon (or many demons!) can inhabit and take possession of a person.

2.       Demons can make themselves known by speaking through people and even taking control of their bodies.

3.       Demons are fallen angels and powerful spirit beings. They can exhibit enormous strength through a person under their control.

4.       Demons can inflict serious personal injury to the one possessed and to others, with the ultimate goal of that person’s death.

5.       Demons can move or be transferred from one host to another.

6.       Demons can resist leaving their host. They may beg, out of self-interest, for their own well-being.

7.       Demons recognize and are subject to appropriate spiritual authority.

8.       If demonic spirits attempted to resist the incarnate Christ, we can be sure they will also attempt to resist us.

9.       Jesus spoke directly to the demon, even asking for his name. This may provide a pattern for us to follow.

10.   Jesus, unlike the exorcists of His day that used elaborate rituals and incantations, simply gave the command, and the demons were forced to obey.

Back to the woman who I told was demonized. She went through a deliverance session with another pastor leading. I was there along with several others in our church family praying and giving support. What happened was amazing. Suffice it to say that I left that room convinced that Jesus’ victory over darkness was real, and that demons are still at work in the world today. Hearing and seeing demons recognize the authority of Jesus and leaving at the command of one of His disciples was amazing. More amazing still though is this reality: you can walk free from the darkness everyday by obedient followership of Jesus. His authority has been given to you that you might live free from darkness and the influence of demons. Try as they might, they cannot resist Jesus’ power. Demons become beggars in Jesus’ presence. I’ve seen it happen.