Thanksgiving as an Artform

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good!

His faithful love endures forever.

Give thanks to the God of gods.

His faithful love endures forever.

Give thanks to the Lord of lords.

His faithful love endures forever.

-Psalm 136:1-3, NLT

“God’s love is a complete surprise and wonder. Looking at the human heart and history, you would never conclude that God loves us. But he does!” -Tim and Kathy Keller

As I shared yesterday, I think that we can fall into the trap that thanksgiving should be relegated to late November. And while entering into the rhythm of giving thanks each year is not a bad one, I would say it is altogether insufficient. God’s “faithful love” (hesed) flows to us each second. Our response should be grateful praise. I pray that thanksgiving for you will become an artform. That is say as Merriam-Webster puts it, “an undertaking or activity enhanced by a high level of skill or refinement.” God helping you, this is not only possible but highly likely.

Songs: Some music to help you give thanks!

Give Thanks to God (Psalm 136) This is a beautiful acapella song done in call and response style.

His Love Endures Forever While a bit dated (got to love that 90’s synth), this is also a worthwhile listen (and a bit of an earworm) that will keep you singing thanks to God.

Jesus Strong and Kind This song is about why we give thanks to God more than specifically singing thanks to Him. My hope in putting it here is that it will fuel your thanksgiving!

Count Your Blessings. I know this is a song too but, I am thinking more of doing what the song says. Take time this week to enter into the habit of recording at least one thing for which you are thankful to God. Make it so there is a place and time for this exercise. Try something like every morning when you make coffee. It might help to write these things down or put them in a note on your phone. Such a record will become a tangible reminder of God’s goodness expressed to you.

Thanksgiving in June. You’ve heard of “Christmas in July” why not try Thanksgiving in June? Set a day and meal to make a feast. As you gather round the table with family and friends, have everyone take a moment to share one thing for which they are thankful. Close this time of reflection with a prayer of thanks to God the giver of all good gifts.

Bonus video: A Rabbi explaining Hallel (specifically on Psalm 113-118)